We bought a house on South Taylor Road, which is in the Meridian School District! We are so excited! Charley came home after work last Wednesday night and insisted I get up and look online at pictures of this house. We looked at it the next day and put in our bid! After a LONG stressful week of waiting, the papers were finally signed yesterday! Katy is so excited about having her “own pool” right outside her bedroom window. And she also expressed her need to have the master bedroom because she needs her own bathroom. Hmmm…
We all had a blast down at Deb & Phil’s pool! The girls swam most of the day…Katy helped Deb shuck corn on the cob for dinner and Maddy enjoyed playing with Katy’s new goggles. Put ‘em on, take ‘em off, put ‘em on, take ‘em off. You know the routine!
Do these pictures need an explanation? The girls think they need to help apply sunscreen and this is what happens when Maddy gets a hold of the bottle.
Where is Maddy? Maddy had a blast playing with a pink bucket at our neighbors’ pool. One minute she was sitting on it and the next minute she had it on her head!
Charley bought me a pink hat at Cabelas last weekend, and the girls just thought it was the greatest thing! We had picture time with the hat for over an hour!
This was Katy’s first year to see the fireworks! Charley took Madison home (she does not “do” loud noises) and the rest of us went to see the fireworks in Warrensburg. Charley gave Katy his shooting earmuffs, so the loud “booms” wouldn’t scare her, but she did just fine without them! The earmuffs were so tight on her face, her cheeks were squeezed together. Priceless pictures! Some of these will be in her wedding video someday!
We attended Conner and Olivia’s (the girls’ cousins) birthday parties last Saturday, which was also the 4th of July. The kids had a blast playing kickball and baseball. Of course – the kids’ favorite part was the Oreo ice cream cake that Aunt Missy made!
More pictures of the girls having a blast at the birthday party/July 4th cookout. I really enjoy just sitting and taking tons of random pictures of the girls. Madison is pretty fed up with my “look at me Maddy!” “Say cheese for mommy!” She will hardly look at the camera! Katy, on the other hand, is a complete ham when she wants to be!
Mother to Katy & Maddy, wife to my best friend of 10 years, Charley. I love my DVR, books by Janet Evanovich, Starbucks vanilla latte's, Mexican food, ranch dressing, playing softball, scrapbooking, and watching Grey's Anatomy and all the CSI's!