
The Soccer Star

Katy is playing on the Badgers soccer team this fall with her cousin, Lauren and several of her friends…Ella, Jackson, Macie, and Bella. Of course – she just to put on all of her “gear” to play soccer, but isn’t real crazy about all that running around she has to do! She told me the other day she only wanted to play soccer when it was cold outside. Her coaches are Aaron Grubbs and her dad, who is “Coach Dad”.

Happy 2nd Birthday Madison!

Madison turned 2 on August 18th! We once again, had all our family over for cake and ice cream. We decided that next year – we are going to do a combined pool party at our new house! Madison received many gifts, including clothes, a purse and LOADS of color wonder markers and coloring books. She loves to color! Happy Birthday!


Summer Days

After the Decatur Celebration, Katy enjoyed riding her new bike and scooter. Madison spent most of her time throwing rocks all over the driveway, then attempting to sweep them up with a broom.


Here are a couple pics of Madison. She FINALLY let me put her hair in ponytails. And they stayed in!! I think I was more excited about it than she was!

Happy 4th Birthday Katy!

Katy’s turned 4 on August 2nd! We had all of our family over for cake and ice cream. I let Katy pick out her own cake decorations and of course, she chose the pink and purple princess theme! She received so many wonderful gifts including furniture for her new bedroom, a Barbie scooter, a Barbie bike, clothes, games, princess dresses, princess jewelry, and 7 (yes 7) princess crowns. We need a dresser just for all of her princess attire! Happy Birthday!