

Katy's second year of T-ball went very well! We decided to let her play for Meridian this year and she played for the "BATS". I decided not to coach her team this year and it was the best decision for the both of us! She has a killer swing and can really hit the ball!!

Ballet Recital

Katy and Maddy danced in the Dance Centre Recital on June 11th and 13th. They both did an amazing job! We were so proud!

Madison's Ballet Dress Rehearsal

Believe it or not…Madddy does not like to have her picture taken as much as Katy! Sometimes it really takes some prodding from me to get her to smile!

Katy's Ballet Dress Rehearsal

Here is our little "Tinkerbell" before the dress rehearsal for her ballet class. She loves being my photo subject!

Mother's Day Tea

Maddy's Preschool celebrated Mother's Day by hosting a Mother's Day Tea filled with cookies, punch, artwork and LOTS of singing!

First and Last Day of School

I couldn't resist posting these pictures of the girls! They have grown so much since the first day of school in August to the last day of school in May.

Easter Sunday

Another Easter celebrated at Grandma Anna and Grandpa Ron's house.

Easter Sunday

Nanny's Easter

Easter at Nanny's house was complete with hunting for eggs , eating a big breakfast and coloring easter eggs!



This is what happens when big sister Katy opens the car door while little sister Maddy is standing in her car seat and hanging her head out the window. She hit the concrete pretty hard.

Little Miss

Katy loves to play dress up with any adult clothes she can find. The dress she is wearing is her grandma Roxanne's (Nanny). Nanny cut up this dress to make it a perfect fit for Little Miss Katy. And of course…she had to pose for some pictures!


Katy's 1st CrossFit Workout

After watching me do CrossFit for so long, Katy really wanted to give it a try. My workout partner Kelly and I designed a very "kid-friendly" workout for Katy to try. The workout was called "Katybug" and consisted of 3 rounds of 10 Pushups, 10 Jumping Jacks, 10 Situps, 10 Box Jumps and 10 Ball Squats. She did great and finished in 5 minutes and 20 seconds. She was so proud of herself!! I was proud of her, too! Of course Madison had to try out a couple of exercises, too. And no worries...Katy will NOT be lifting any type of weight. I will clarify that ahead of time! Hope you enjoy the pictures!

CrossFitters...Katy and Kelly

Nothing like overhead squatting a 5-year old! This is Katy and Kelly...and Kelly can REALLY overhead squat 200 pounds!